"Most people breathe using only part of their lung capacity to be precise, the upper one third. This is called subsistence breathing because it is just enough to keep you alive, functioning at a minimum level."
Read more: How to Breathe | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_4496689_breathe.html#ixzz189TKPlbC
There is a right way and a wrong way to breathe.
We all need to learn to breathe.
One of the key tools
One thing I learned was to be conscious of my breathing at all times. Inhaling through my nose and hold my breath, then exhaling through my pursed lips, causes me to get control of my heart beat. When you get heart palpitations use this and other techniques to calm yourself. It beats getting on drugs. Drugs are prescribed for some patients, but I believe if you use the natural methods first and still cannot get the episode under control, maybe meds should be used. I never used meds for my panic attacks, but there is wide spectrum of levels of intensity of panic attacks.
Consult your physician and or naturopathy doctor for the best solutions for you.
The best to you.
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