Friday, November 26, 2010

Relaxation after Thanksgiving and Before Christmas

After Turkey Day and Before Christmas there are so many demands on our time.

Cooking, shopping around crowds of people, demands of family, friends and co-workers can be sources of stress. Take time to reduce stressors. You are worth it. Before you go to bed slip a CD in your player and use headphones for best results.

I have used relaxation CDs to help me focus and handle the lists of things to do.
Below are some CDs you can grab and one of these is a download you can grab now. Transfer the mp3 to your iPod or mp3 player.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Be free of unwanted fear

Yes You Can Overcome Panic Attacks and Anxiety

That is great news to those who suffer day in and day out, year in and year out. I have and I know that you can too.
For me it started with heart palpitations. My thoughts immediately steered to fear. Then my throat would become dry so I could not swallow. Then my body would feel "weird". Dizziness and blurred vision. By this time I was convinced that I was about to die. I kept waiting for the symptoms to get worse and they did. I use to suffer from panic attacks so badly that I had to go to the hospital by ambulance. I was so embarrassed when the doctor checked me and told me that there was nothing wrong with me. When I had to go grocery shopping I would get a funny feeling in my stomach before I left the house. Once I got inside the grocery store I felt like I had to run out or else I would become overwhelmed. I dreaded the thought that I might have a panic attack in public. I had to talk to myself and prayed up and down each and every aisle of the store. I knew that if I ran out, my family would not have food and I would have to start all over again. The people in the store had no idea the personal torture I was experiencing. People at church had no idea how hard it was to sit in a large crowd. 
AWARENESS When the symptoms first started, I had no idea what was happening to me. One day I was watching T.V. and some people were on a show talking about the symptoms and the light went on, "That's me! That's what I have been going.

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