Tuesday, November 22, 2011



Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Federal Benefits for Veterans, Survivors, and Dependents 2011

Welcome Home

Got Holiday Stress?

Here is the link to ways to manage stress!

The Holidays can be great fun, but this can also be a time of stress because of financial issues, family issues and being alone. I ma sure you can have a better time if you follow these suggestions.

Enjoy Everyday!

glenda m thomas

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Relieve Stress with the Superpower of Sesame Seeds! | The Tera Warner Blog

Raw Health Benefits of Sesame Seeds:
Your Raw Food Source of Calcium and Magnesium

- by Melissa Fine

Exams, work deadlines, relationship-issues… If stress is putting knots in your neck, take a look at your diet.

Are you relying on caffeine and sugary foods to keep you going? It might be more helpful to turn to raw sesame seeds…

They’re simple, stress-relieving and oh so tasty.

Click on the link to read more...Relieve Stress with the Superpower of Sesame Seeds!