Search for self talk soul talk by jennifer rothschild
Do you talk to yourself? We all do!
What you say to yourself? Do you say things like these?
You are so stupid.
Others are better than me.
You can do that, you're too ________.
People don't like me.
I am better than other people.
I don't need anybody to tell me what to do.
Self talk is powerful no matter if it is negative or positive.
The truth of the matter is that we can change our lives by our positive elf talk. Let me tell you what happened to me. At one point in my life I really believed that people did not find me interesting and that people did not listen to me. I use to tell myself things that reinforced these beliefs. So from inside me I saw the world as a place that did not pay attention to me or anything I said.
One day I read about self talk and the difference it can make in ones life. So I decided to do an experiment and simply change my self talk before I was about to encounter other people and watch and see what happened. I told myself, "People like you and want to hear what you say", "when you speak people listen" and other similar affirmations. Guess what happened? I noticed that people made eye contact with me when I began to give input into the conversation and they were attentively listening. I did not raise my voice or change anything other my self talk. When I was in the phase of my life when I was going through panic attacks I use to tell myself that I was dying and of course that made the heart palpitations worse and the dizziness worse. But when I used my self talk to reassure myself. I would get a bit nervous but the symptoms would slow down. I told myself, "Glenda, you are fine. You are alive, These feelings will go away in just a little while. You are fine!" Inhaling through my nose and exhaling our my mouth slowing, help so much to ease the distress. The more I did it the more it worked.
I challenge you to give this a try and see how you can change your life!
As a Christian I have access to Scripture that speaks to me and I also use God's truth to build me up.
When I feel alone I can tell myself, "God said, I will never leave you or forsake you". When I grieve the loss of my parents I repeat the words of the Psalmist "
"When my father and my mother forsake me, Then the Lord will take me up." Psalms 27:10. The word of God is a rich fountain so that even when I am angry and want to lash out and hurt someone like I am hurting, the Holy Spirit sword intervenes and I have access to remembering these words of Matthew "But I tell you that men will have to give account on the day of judgment for every careless word they have spoken." Matthew 12:36
Resource Recommendation:
Jennifer Rothschild has written a book called, "Self Talk, Soul Talk: What to Say When you Talk to Yourself
She is a Christian writer. blind since the age of 16. I have heard her speak and tell her story. I highly recommend that you grab her book and make good use of it by learning what to say when you talk to yourself.
Self Talk, Soul Talk: What to Say When You Talk to Yourself